28 January 1999
[NIST presentation at RSA 99.]
Miles Smid and Ed Roback
National Institute of Standards and Technology
U.S. Department of Commerce
What has been done so far Candidate Algorithms and some of their properties
Next Steps
Request for Formal Comments
Selection of a standard that supports (at least) 128, 192 and 256 bit key sizes; block size of 128 bits Worldwide-royalty free
More secure than Triple DES
More efficient than Triple DES
Announcement of intent to develop AES and request for comments, January 2, 1997 Workshop on proposed requirements and procedures, summary of comments, April 15, 1997
Informal draft requirements and procedures, June 16, 1997
Formal call for candidate algorithms, Sep. 12, 1997
Submission for pre-review, April 15, 1998
Close of call, June 15, 1998
Notification to submitters, July, 1998
First AES Candidate Conference and beginning of Round 1 evaluation, August 20-22, 1998
NIST to establish informal discussion group at www.nist.gov/aes for each candidate, Sept. 1998
Formal FR call for public comments, Sept. 14, 1998
Twenty-one packages received NIST verified that legal documents were completed
NIST verified that responses were provided for all items
NIST attempted to run code and verify Known Answer Tests
Six packages found to be incomplete
No cryptanalysis initially performed
Australia LOKI97 Lawrie Brown, Josef Pieprzyk, Jennifer Seberry Belgium
RIJNDAEL Joan Daemen, Vincent Rijmen Canada
CAST-256 Entrust Technologies, Inc. DEAL Outerbridge, Knudsen
Costa Rica
FROG TecApro Internacional S.A. France
DFC Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Germany
MAGENTA Deutsche Telekom AG Japan
E2 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Korea
CRYPTON Future Systems, Inc. USA
HPC Rich Schroeppel MARS IBM
RC6 RSA Laboratories
SAFER+ Cylink Corporation
TWOFISH Bruce Schneier, John Kelsey, Doug Whiting, David Wagner, Chris Hall, Niels Ferguson
UK, Israel, Norway
SERPENT Ross Anderson, Eli Biham, Lars Knudsen
The RC6 Block Cipher Ron Rivest, RSA Laboratories Tuesday, 2 PM, Cryptographers Track
MARS: IBMs AES Proposal
Dave Safford, IBM Tuesday, 3 PM, Cryptographers Track
The Twofish Encryption Algorithm
Douglas Whiting, Hi/fn Tuesday, 4 PM, Cryptographers Track
Security Actual Security Random permutation properties
Mathematical basis
Other security factors raised
Computational efficiency Memory requirements (hardware and software)
Algorithm and Implementation Characteristics
Flexibility Hardware and software suitability
Simplicity of design
How well algorithms meet criteria Any related intellectual property
Cross-cutting analysis of multiple algorithms
Overall recommendations and rationale
Based on Previous Schemes and Methods Cryptanalysis
AES Candidate Precursor(s) CAST-256 CAST-128 DEAL DEA LOKI97 LOKI 89,91 RC6 RC5 SAFER+ SAFER
Algorithm Rounds DEAL 6,6,8 DFC 8 E2 12 LOKI97 16 MAGENTA 6,6,8 TWOFISH 16
Algorithm Rounds Cycles CAST-256 (MF1) 48 12 MARS (MF3) 32 16 RC6 (MF2) 20 10
Algorithm Rounds CRYPTON 12 Rijndael 10,12,14 SAFER+ 8,12,16 SERPENT 32
Algorithm Rounds Type FROG 8 Key Interp. HPC 8 Omni
LOKI97 Rijmen and Knudsen Differential: 256 chosen plaintexts
Linear: 256 known plaintexts
Wagner, Ferguson, and Schneier Differential: 258 chosen plaintext
Linear: 256 known plaintexts
MAGENTA Biham, Biryukov, Ferguson, Knudsen, Schneier, Shamir 264 chosen plaintexts, 264 steps
233 known plaintexts, 297 steps
270 chosen ciphertexts, 2121 steps, (Lucks, 128) 270 , chosen plaintexts, 2121 steps, (Knudsen, 192)
256 chosen ciphertexts, 2145 steps, (Lucks, 192)
Meet in middle, 2224 steps, (Knudsen, 256)
SAFER + 2 known plaintexts, 237 memory, 2241 steps, (256, Kelsey) 256 chosen plaintext encrypted with 2 keys, 2216 steps, (256, Kelsey)
CRYPTON Weak keys, 2224 complexity, (Vaudenay, et. Al.) S-boxes to be changed (2 to 4)
Weak keys, reduce to 6 round cipher, prob. 2-64 , (Coppersmith) Weak keys, pt=ct, prob. 2-128 , (Coppersmith)
Claimed Attacks LOKI97, FROG, MAGENTA, DEAL, SAFER + (256) Weak Keys 256-bits or less
DFC, CRYPTON So far pretty good
MARS (MF3), RC6 (MF2), RIJNDAEL (SP), TWOFISH (F), E2 (F), CAST 256 (MF1), SERPENT (SP), HPC (Omni)
Encryption/Decryption Times Key Setup Times
Memory Requirements
NIST Platform:
IBM-compatible PC/ Intel Pentium-pro Processor 200MHz, 64MB RAM
Provable security against classes of attacks (DFC) Cost/Efficiency
Software Hardware
Architectures 8/32/64 bits
Intellectual Property
Public review of candidates, Aug. 20 - April 15, 1999 Submissions of analysis for AES2, Feb 1, 1999
Second AES conference, March 22-23, 1999
Formal submissions of analysis for Round 1, April 15, 1999
Announcement of (about) five finalists, Fall 1999
Public Review of finalists, 6-9 months
Third AES Conference
Selection of AES Algorithm, 2000
Making AES a FIPS, 2001
How well algorithms meet criteria Security, Cost, and Implementation Characteristics Any related intellectual property
Cross-cutting analysis of multiple algorithms
Overall recommendations and rationale
e-mail: AESFIRST ROUND@nist.gov
Rome, ItalyMarch 22-23, 1999
Anyone can test candidate algorithms Anyone can evaluate candidates
This process requires PUBLIC participation
To follow what is going on with AES, visit http://www.nist.gov/aes